War Of the Worldviews

Foundational in fighting for the lives of pre-born children and the lives of post-born victims of the Transgender Industrial Complex is a thoroughly biblical worldview that includes the full revelation of our Creator. Much of what we do is based upon Torah. That is a Hebrew word referring to God’s teaching and instruction about life.

Did you catch that? Teaching about life. And teaching about death.

Child sacrifice is about death. And in America we give it the trade name of abortion. The first five books in our Bibles have much to say about child sacrifice. The also have much to say about bearing false witness, which is at the heart of the attack by the Transgender Industrial Complex.

This section of our website includes materials that will assist your journey into defending life, whether in or our of the womb.

You will also find other materials that set our foundation as Hebraic Abolitionists. We make no treaty with evil and call for its immediate confrontation through the Truth of God’s Word and the proclamation of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ (aka Yeshua the Messiah).

We Make No Treaties With Evil

We follow all of the content in our Bibles that can be obeyed in our day, from cover to cover. We assent to the Whole Book, or as we like to say it “The Wholly Bible.”

God’s revelations to humankind in our Bibles are the basis of the work of Bound2TRUTH. At the heart is Deuteronomy 30:19 (TLV):

I call the heavens and the earth to witness about you today, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. Therefore choose life so that you and your descendants may live

Life is a choice, but not for pre-born babies. Someone else chooses life or death for them. Growing into the adults God created them to be at conception, male or female is also not a choice for our children being misled and manipulated into “transgender” thinking by those who are profiteering off their mutilation.

“My body my choice” ignores the fact that a male baby in a female mother cannot be her body. And unless her body has four arms and four legs, neither is a female baby her body. “My body my choice” is also wrongly applied to sexual identity, as if an imagination can change a set of XX chromosomes (female) into XY chromosomes (male) by wishing, feeling and the induction of dangerous and life altering drugs and destructive surgeries.

While there are many websites that argue for the ongoing application of the Hebrew Scriptures to our lives today, Bound2TRUTH is centered on that application with one goal. Abolishing Human Abortion in our day as quickly as possible to protect the pre-born, and Abolishing Medical Experimentation in our day to protect our young post-born.

We are here to assist you in bringing a fully biblical worldview into its clash with evil in our land – in bringing the Wholly Bible as the Sword of the Spirit out of its sheath into the fight for lives.

Our hope is that you find these materials useful and empowering as together we Bring Torah To Life© and end child sacrifice and child medical experimentation in our land.

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Fellowship of the Broken Hearted Part 1

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